Darling, you are so fashionable! FashionReal Fashion Study Tour

To the most fashionable of you:


Thank you deeply for your company and support in the 2023 Chinese Year of the Rabbit.

It is precisely because of the efforts you have put into life, career, and love that,

We, FashionReal, can meet, meet, and accompany you in different corners of the earth amidst the vast sea of people.

The year of the Rabbit in 2023 is a year for us to sweep away the haze and embark on a journey with the wind.

In April, during our study tours in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, we set the tone for technology and fashion.

With the explosion of artificial intelligence, we are at the forefront of fashion as entrepreneurs,

Deeply aware of the changes and power that technology can bring.

Innovation and creativity are what entrepreneurs in the fashion and creative industries possess, excel at, and crave the most.

In May, during Tokyo Fashion Week in Japan,

Continuously reflecting on the transformation of craftsmanship spirit and refined management of the fashion creative industry.

We are in the brilliant fireworks show and the nostalgic low music

Touching tears welled up in my eyes, and I continued to ponder:

How to build a brand that truly belongs to the needs of this era.

In June, while we were calm in Antwerp,

Explored the clever relationship between art and fashion.

Belgium not only has six gentlemen in the design industry,

It has also been influenced by the rigor of Germany, the boldness of the Netherlands, and the romance of France.

Becoming a new landmark for us to lead Chinese fashion entrepreneurs and designers in seeking differentiated inspiration.

In July, we arrived in Barcelona, Spain,

The colors, boldness, enthusiasm, and vacation style here are unforgettable.

At the same time, we began to think: continuously focusing on our own style,

Even small and beautiful, it can penetrate specific markets.

In August, we provided in-depth overseas design, product upgrades, and collaborative services for Chinese clients,

We accompany Chinese fashion brands to collaborate with international independent designers,

We empower data-driven e-commerce companies with a story oriented approach,

What fashion business needs is cold data, but,

The fashion industry needs warm stories.

In September, we returned to Paris and Milan Fashion Week

In these two classic fashion holy sites and the rapidly changing fashion industry,

The center that leads all cities and gathers all fashionable energy is here.

This month, we explored the DRP trend culture exhibition,

We have uncovered the story of Paris’s abandoned police station turning into a creative hub

The exclamation of human creativity is an eternal blessing bestowed by God.

In October, we came to Zurich, Switzerland at the invitation of our fans.

The beautiful lakes and air here are filled with

People’s ability to control wealth and unique perspectives and tastes.

We interact with actors and directors at the Zurich Film Festival,

Firmly believing that fashion and entertainment are inseparable industries and cultures.

In November, we visited Seattle and San Francisco.

Intensive visits to technology and cultural enterprises have made us realize the importance of innovative thinking

The short-term study at the University of California, Berkeley has given us a new perspective on creating internet celebrity content.

In December, we arrived in Hollywood, Los Angeles.

The trend culture, entertainment culture, and creative commercialization ability here

Inspiring. In depth training at the Tik Tok North American headquarters,

This world is being infinitely flattened,

Competition certainly exists, but the opportunities in this world are also constantly growing,

Opportunities are also waiting for the most suitable you, to put them into thinking and practice

Seize the opportunity, make it shine, be used, and light up hope for the world.

2024 Chinese Dragon Year, a New Decade of Opportunities

With the momentum of brand growth and Chinese companies going global,

Achieve greater accomplishments.

May you persist in your initial choice and never forget your past love and original intention.

May the little spark we ignite take you further away.

There are still too many stories, FashionReal invites you to compose them with us.

Finally, I would like to share with you a lyric that has moved me for the past 10 years:

“One day, we will be old”

“Think about all the stories that could be held.”

One day, we will eventually grow old

Imagine the stories we could tell at that time

Founder of FashionReal

Sam Guo Shusen

February 5, 2024


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