Travel fashion with FashionReal to learn and experience the fashion of walking

In recent years, the study tours of professional business professionals from various industries have become a new fashion trend, and various industries have begun to flock to the wave of study tours to increase their knowledge and expand their networks. People are accustomed to obtaining more direct and beneficial benefits through “going out”. In the fashion field, FashionReal is committed to creating high-quality fashion study tour services, providing more diverse study tour paths for more users in need.

From November to December 2023, the FashionReal team just concluded a fashion study tour around the West Coast of the United States. The West Coast of the United States is synonymous with technology, fashion, trends, and innovation. If you want to dig up the latest information about fashion, then the gathering place must be here. Led by Sam, the founder of FashionReal and the media creator of Sam’s fashionable universe, a group of students have participated in various major enterprises, incubators, art exhibitions, art galleries, and local commercial forms in Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and other places, as well as independent artists and designers. They have delved into the birthplace of fashion culture to experience the sources of innovation and creativity. Especially through studying in the marketing departments of TikTok and Adidas, this study tour team has truly experienced the commercial dividends of the era of social media influencers.

The development of the Internet allows us to appreciate various aspects of fashion from various perspectives, but no matter how much you collect knowledge, it cannot be compared to your own personal experience. Therefore, the launch of fashion study tours has also given more people in the fashion industry different choices. Through fashion study tours, students not only learn professional industry knowledge, but also appreciate the lifestyle of fashion industry practitioners. The mutual communication between entrepreneurs is also one of the biggest gains of this study tour team.

The students who participated in the study tour not only have 20 years of experience as professional fashion buyers in retailers, but also have 90s entrepreneurs who focus on Amazon fashion going global, as well as mature women’s clothing entrepreneurs with over 800 women’s clothing stores in China. The 11 day and 11 night interaction between entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs in this fashion industry, along with their creative spirit and innovative state, has ignited the energy of this study tour team.

Whether you are interested in the fashion industry or have been in the fashion industry for many years, whether you are in product research and development, brand promotion, product procurement, or fabric procurement, if you want to innovate, obtain the latest creativity and innovation ability, choosing to participate in fashion study tours is a path that can bring you full rewards, True Fashion FashionReal is also committed to serving more fashion practitioners to experience different fashion study tours. After each event, True Fashion FashionReal will carefully collect feedback from students to better enhance the experiential value of study tour products and establish its brand image.

Short term fashion study tours can allow students to quickly experience the true knowledge of fashion, and a variety of fashion study plans can also give students an endless passion for the fashion industry. In the 2024 New Year plan, True Fashion Fashion Real has also launched new fashion study plans from around the world, constantly participating in international cutting-edge fashion exhibitions, showrooms, independent designers, independent creative people, artists, and more Formerly worked as an art director for top luxury and fashion brands, and established strategic partnerships with internationally renowned fashion schools. By conducting more, updated, and more pragmatic study tours, we aim to advance the development of China’s fashion industry and work together with True Fashion FashionReal to promote progress in the domestic fashion industry.


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